Chin Person of the Year Thawngthanhnak
Kan dihlak kan ton cio bantukin, 2021 cu kumdang he aa lo hrim lo. Covid-19 zawtnak in siseh, kan kawlram uk tthalomi buainak ruangah, kan miphun caah ahar lio ngaimi caan asi.
Cu he pehtlaihin, CYONA Chin Person of the Year thimmi zong kumdang he aa dang deuhin kan rak tuah. Hi harnak caan ah, kan miphun chungin pumpak in siseh, buu rianttuannak in siseh, a lamkip in rianttha a ttuanmi upatnak pek ding le zohchunh awktlak tampi nan um.
Mipi nih ruahnak pekmi zoh buin le CYONA upa rianttuan liomi hna ruahnak funtom in, Person of the Year a thimtu buu nih 2021 Chin Person of the Year cu Chinland Defense Force (CDF) kan rak pek hna. CDF cu kan Chin miphun luatnak kan hmuhkhawhnak ding caah ralttha ngaiin miphun le ram kilvengtu le nunnak tiang a petu an si. Hlanlio kan pipu miralttha hna nih, mirang ralkap an rak doh hna bantukin, nihin ni zongah CDF nih kawl ralkap ttha lo zong an doh ve hna.
Kan Chin miphun nih pipu ram kan i ngeihchunhmi, kilven ding le a kilvengtu ttanpi ding cu kan rian cio asi. CYONA nih Chin State chungin hmunkip ah dirhmi CDF-Tonzang, ZFU, CNDF, CDF- Thantlang, CDF- Hakha, CDF – Zophei, CDF – Lautu, CDF – Zotung, CDF – Mara, CDF – Matupi, CDF – Mindat, CDF – Kanpetlet, CDF – Palehwa, CDF – KKG nan dihlak upatnak kan in pek hna. Kan miphun le kan ram nan kilvennak le nunnak nan pekmi cungah CYONA nih kan in dirpi hna i lunglawmhnak kan langhter.
Chin Person of the Year Announcement

2021 has been an unlikely year for many of us. From the Covid-19 pandemic to the political turmoil in our native land, Burma, we experienced unprecedented times.
Likewise, choosing the CYONA Chin Person of the Year has been unlike previous years. Our committee had a difficult task as we realized that there are many individuals and organizations deserving of this recognition this year. The challenging events brought many individuals and organizations who stepped up to help their fellow brothers and sisters all over the world.
After considering inputs from the public and local CYO chapters’ leaders, the committee picked CDF as 2021 Chin Person of the Year. We are reminded of the sacrifices of so many CDF members, many of whom have given the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives for Chin people. Just as our Chin forefathers took up arms against the British invaders, ordinary Chin civilians fought and continue to fight the Burmese invaders.
As one of the founders of the Union of Burma, Chin people have a sacred duty to defend our people and land against domestic and foreign enemies. CYONA is proud of all CDF members and congratulates CDF members as 2021 Chin Person of the Year.